четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

australia.a2jfreak.net kmart referrers total

Out the corner of my eye and the bottom of a window i some the back half of a profile of some scraggly homeless man with an army jacket on waiting to get on the bus. Well, thatapos;s the conclusion i came to at least. Then i took note of a german flag patch on the sleeve and, of course, my next thought was what the hell is a scraggiily german vet doing so far from home. I am a genius. Well, homeless german vet quickly turned into non unt (he paid) scraggily german queers tshirt-wearin punk who quickly disapaited into scraggily germish freak with a dropkick murpheys patch on the right side of us torso. I took that as a sign that the freaks were out early and to get off the bus as quickly as the bus ride would allow. Which was no quicker than normal since the ability to move objects with my mind has not yet been reached. Only time will tell how far i may or may not go with that endeavor.

my father, god bless him, is a dillapidated alcoholic. It would be almost excusable if he werenapos;t such an asshole. However, if he remembers through his scotch stupor that he has children, and that i am one of them, he should be handing over his turntable and speaker set up to me on sunday. An amplifyer for one of the spearkers just isnapos;t working anymore, the whole system is almost thirty years old, but he said we could look around together and find another one. He thinks itapos;ll set me back about a hundred bucks but well worth it. I feel guilty, almost cruel, in sounding so ungreatful about this present. He is giving it to me because he knows how badly iapos;ve wanted it, true, but heapos;s also being evicted from his sundown ranch suburban home so iapos;m feeling really mixed. Iapos;m also taking back my two old tabby cats, chewie and vader, that i got when i was eleven. I really used to love them but itapos;s hard to take cats in a nap sack while youapos;re trying to run away in the middle of night. It sounds weird, but i donapos;t even know them anymore, and i already have so many other cats... Theyapos;re primarily outside dwellers though so i think weapos;ll be ok. Mom wants to kill me but itapos;s either off me and no cats or let me live and deal with the added felines; since she needs me to help pay rent... Weapos;ll live through it.
australia.a2jfreak.net kmart referrers total, australia.com, australia.com american express, australia.com awa.

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